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  • sarevans98

Studio Update: Week of 9/18/23

This week was somewhat slow on production of new work but really busy none the less. On Monday a group of us piled into my car and drove out to Evansville to see my professor's work in a show. It was about a 2 hour drive each way so it was fun to get to spend some time with each other. My roommate recently bought a storage unit and it got my wheels turning. I have been storing a lot of my work and supplies in my room and it has just become very cluttered feeling. I don't know about you, but I'm a homemaker and I need my living spaces to feel clean and organized otherwise that chaos follows into my mental wellbeing and daily practices. So following in Kate's footsteps, I also bought a storage unit for all my art. I actually went halfsies on it with a studio mate so it's really affordable. So, Tuesday when I got home from work I drank a large coffee and got to work moving out all the clutter from my room and into the unit. I have already felt such a difference in how much that has helped with my mental wellbeing. Wednesday I packaged up all my work and brought it home to photograph. I set up my lightbox and got to work. I would not consider myself a whiz with a camera or digital applications so photographing is always one of my least favorite parts of the process but I will say there was something kind of nice about it this time around. I think I have just been feeling so exhausted lately, a combination of a busy work and studio schedule combined with no days off and crazy interpersonal relationships. So this time around sitting down on the couch with my laptop to edit photos with some Gilmore Girls playing in the background, a candle lit, and some snacks, was really the closest I've felt to an off day in a hot second. I have also been feeling encouraged because I feel really good about the final product of this work and am starting to feel comfortable with looking into finding shops and markets that would suit it well. I also took on a couple commissions and made some sales this week as well. Thursday I got to work on throwing some more plates and went to see an art show on campus with some of my studio mates. As I look into the schedule for next week I am preparing for a photoshoot with some friends and my art. This is an idea that I have had in mind for almost a year and a half now and I have done a couple tester shoots with just myself. I think it will be super fun to do and hopefully produce some really fun images. More on that next week!

Image 1: Us with Brian's work during our little road trip

Image 2: Storage Unit!!! ( I'm a real artist now )

Image 3: testing out my cortado cups at work

Image 4: Me and Kate at the art show on campus

Image 5: Oakley is still in his donut, the itching never ceases

Image 6: a meme war between me and Kate leads to little cutouts to be found everywhere

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