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Studio Update: Week of 9/8- 9/14/24


This is one of those weeks where I feel like I'm running on a hamster wheel. I've spent so much time in the studio this week and do not feel like I have gotten anything that I have set out to do accomplished. Which is a lie, because I have. I just really wanted to start my new sculpture this week and all this side work keeps getting in the way. On Monday I packaged up a piece to ship out to a show which just took longer than I anticipated. Halfway through cutting insulation foam for a box, I found a better more accurate sized box so I started over. Then, I remembered that I had a sculpture ready to unload in the kiln. It came out perfect and got me itching to start the next. A happy dance was done in the studio, sue me!!!! During the beginning of the week, I finished up decorating all my demo plates from my time at KSU. On Wednesday, we had a visiting artist who demoed and gave an artist talk. The opening reception for their show was Thursday night. I finally started my reclaim on Thursday before the show. I had about 10 gallons to go though so I set out some boards outside. I thought it was genius to do it outside because then I wouldn't be taking up student tables in the studio, and the sun would help dry it out quicker. I did not plan for, however, the yellow jacket that immediately decided that it was HIS reclaim. Picture me running through the parking lot with reclaim hands. Cleaning the mess I made from the reclaim process also took up a good bit of time. I did manage to, at least, make a cardboard template for my new sculpture. However, I left yesterday feeling frustrated, exhausted, and confused as to wear all my time went. How could I spend 5 plus hours in the studio and only do reclaim? This morning I am trying to remind myself to be gentle with myself. I am showing up and doing things in the studio. If I spent 5 hours busy in the studio, it's probably things that needed to get done, even if its not glamorous. Today I am hoping, fingers crossed, to start rolling slabs for my sculpture. I also need to take some work into a shop in Louisville to talk with the owner about selling my work there.

All that to say, this week has been busy and has left me feeling disappointed that I have not checked off more "big picture" items off my studio to do list. But at the same time, I am excited for the work I am making and feeling very validated with the quality of work that I am producing.

Image 1: a close up of my finsished sculpture

Image 2: Mega Man Eater Plate

Image 3: Some pie plate bottoms

Image 4: Kade and Jooby chilling outside the studio

Image 5: the reclaim table that is now owned by a yellow jacket

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