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Studio Update: Week of 9/22- 9/28/24


This week I worked on attaching parts for my new sculpture. This was quite interesting at times because the slabs are very large and heavy. Sometimes, certain tasks required an extra hand or two ( shout out to Brian and Molly!). What I did learn is that I should keep going to the gym because strength is so useful at times. I did manage to flip one of the giant slabs on my own, but moving it without breaking it is another story. I started watching supernatural in the studio while I worked this week and I also watched Monster House. I am getting in the spooky season spirit obviously. When I first attached my slabs together, part of of the middle started slumping inward slightly, a sign that the clay was maybe not quite as dry as i needed it to be but it could have also been somewhat unavoidable do to the sheer size of the unsupported slab sheets. My solution involved pumping the sculpture with air and sealing the hole. This popped the slab right back into the flat line and would help keep it supported in that orientation until it firmed up a little more. Once the sculpture was flipped upright ( a 3 person job) I poked a small hole to release the air. My next step with this piece will be to make attachable plates!

This week I also worked on a side project for my tattoo artist. We have been trading so that I get free tattoos and she gets custom ceramics. It has been fun to have some things to make outside of my normal designs and forms. I am getting a big leg piece in October so I am trading her a somewhat large size planter for her cactus. Her only request was that it be mushroom themed.

I also talked with Molly a good deal about our upcoming space lab show in November. We came up with a really solid show and I can not wait to share more details.

We also finally got new elements in for our test kiln, which is a lifesaver because I have a lot of glaze testing and modifications that I have been holding off on for months now. Brian let us replace the elements as part of our class on Wednesday.

The end of this week has been a whirlwind of emotions as Hurricane Helene wrecked havoc. My initial concerns were for my friend in St. Pete, as well as my friend currently in vet school in the Bahamas. Then the hurricane was expected to hit Atlanta as a category 1 and I was so worried for all my people back home. I did not even have on my radar to be concerned for my recent studiomate that had just moved to Asheville. He lost everything. He has a video of his entire apartment complex being swept away and crumbling like it was nothing. Though I'm glad he made it out physically unharmed, the videos and scenes pouring out of that area are devastating, so many artists lost all their life's work and studios, so many people lost their homes. I am trying to help in what little ways I can and I am frustrated that I am not in a financial place to do more. That being said, if anyone has the means to be able to donate or help this region I would highly encourage looking into it.

Image 1: she lays flat

Image 2: she stands

Image 3: planter for trade

Image 4: working on the test kiln

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